Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Talk Radio

I'm a music guy. I played drums for four years, piano for six years, and trumpet for the last eighteen years of my life. So when I'm on my way home from work, what do I do with the car radio? Of course, I flip on some talk radio.

For the last year I've been listening to this fella name Michael Medved. He's a very conservative talk show host, which instantly turns some people off. And even though most would describe me as something similar, I have come to greatly dislike the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of the world. But this Medved character is different. First of all, he actually has discussions with his guests and callers rather than interrupt them as soon as a single idea pops into their his head. He doesn't have to say something shocking and controversial or rely on a persona to attract an audience. He has logical discussions and invites listeners from around the country to participate. People that have complete opposite view points love to appear on his show and call in. Every day when I flip it on, I get to hear different view points debated on a large range of subjects. There aren't many shows on TV or radio that make me think on a daily basis. And this show makes me think about things that are important. (...unlike some shows that make me think about smoke monsters and time travel. Thank you J.J. Abrams.)

I can't really do Mr. Medved's show justice in a little blog post though. All I can say is that it keeps me on my toes and helps me to continue to think and learn about our society, culture, religion, government and politics.

1 comment:

  1. And another great day on the greatest nation on God's green earth.
