Thursday, July 8, 2010

Katie is coming soon

We had our doctor's appointment yesterday, and didn't quite know what to expect. I hate waiting, so this past week has been stressful. Finally Wednesday was here and we were going to get the chance to meet with our doctor to see what the situation was with Katie and discuss our options...except that when we got there, our doctor was out delivering a baby. We had to wait in the waiting room until she got back, so the anticipation kept building. Finally we got to meet with our doctor and for the first time, Matt and I had a lot of questions. After a long discussion, we decided to schedule a time for me to be induced. My mom isn't going to be back from Europe until the 15th, and the doctor said that she felt comfortable waiting, so we are scheduled to be induced on July 19th. I have a doctor's appointment and a sonogram on Monday, and assuming there aren't any dramatic changes, that date will stick. If they find that my lack of growth is seriously hindering her growth, they will induce earlier, but the plan is to wait until the 19th. The 19th is 2 weeks prior to my due date, so I will be 38 weeks along according to my due date, and 35 1/2 weeks along size wise (according to last week's sonogram). She will be tiny, but as long as she is healthy we are okay with that. My doctor was looking at the sonogram results from last week and said "Well, she will NOT be a fat baby."

I can't believe that we are having Katie in 11 days. I feel like I have so much to do that I haven't done yet. I know that most of it is silly and doesn't even matter, but I feel like I need to do it. For example, I was cleaning the edges of the microwave with a toothpick...really? How often is Katie going to be crawling inside the microwave licking the corners? It's amazing how I can feel so ready to not be pregnant anymore and at the same time feel so unready to actually have Katie here. I have accepted the fact that I will never feel ready, but it hasn't stopped me from trying my hardest. At least I have some sort of "deadline." At our appointment yesterday, Matt had asked the doctor what the plan would be if in 3 1/2 or 4 weeks Katie still wasn't growing the way she should, and the doctor said "oh, we won't be able to wait that long." This prompted the question "well, when should we expect to get to that point." It was a question that we had been wondering for a while, but I think we weren't exactly prepared to ask. Sitting in that room and hearing that she didn't think we could wait 2 weeks was kind of an eye opener. I had many feelings rushing through my body. I think the first thing that I felt was panic, but almost instantly I felt relief. I had been on pins and needles all week, not knowing if we were going to have to induce this week. I have been worried for the past 3 or 4 weeks that when I went to my doctor's appointment we were going to have to induce immediately. This took so much stress off of me. I think I will still be a little concerned on Monday when I go in for my sonogram, but overall, I am more at ease than I have been in the last month. Now when people ask me how much longer I have, I don't have to say "anywhere from a week to 6 weeks." I assume that I won't get any sleep the night before I go into labor, but it's a good trade-off. So, it looks like Katie will be here in 11 days!!

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